WebHomosexual couples should have the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. Denying this right is unjust and is discrimination towards a group of people. Same-sex WebThe government shouldn’t legalize the same-sex marriage because the legal definition of marriage is the civil union between a man and a woman, marriage is a religious rite, and WebJan 10, · Same-sex marriages should become legal in all states of the country in order to prevent the discrimination of people according to their sexual orientation and
Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized? | Free Essay Example
Same Sex Marriage Essays. Hate Speech Essays. Cultural Identity Essays. Animal Cruelty Essays. Gender Essays. According to the Legal Dictionary n. dmarriage of the same sex is the legal union of two persons of the same sex. Same sex unions have occurred all over the world throughout history, but laws recognizing such marriages did not begin to occur until more modern times. As ofonly 17 countries around the world have laws that allow same-sex couples to get married legally. Sustaining in some countries that do not allow same sex marriage are rising, but many will believe that acceptance will continue to increase.
However, marriage between the same sex can have several disadvantages. Same-sex marriage should be banned because when they grow up, it gives bad effects to the children, social health, and also causes tension to family members. Want to receive an original paper on this topic? Write my paper Firstly, same-sex marriage should be banned because it gives bad impacts to the children when they grow up. As children grow up, they will have friends and start sharing their privacy with each other. Then, they tend to isolate themselves and not socialize with anyone.
The children soon begin to feel lonely and involve why same sex marriage should be legal essay unnecessary behavior such as drug involvement, suicide and intimidation. According to Hansena researcher found that heterosexual parents tend to improve the mental and physical development of children. In addition, Baldwin stated that this could be due to children receiving better parental care why same sex marriage should be legal essay than homosexual-parented children. Children of homosexual parents are subject to premature sexualization, abuse and sexual abuse. Therefore, marriage of the same sex must be banned in order to avoid the negative impacts that will occur. Another reason for banning same-sex marriage is because it has a bad impact on the health of society.
If there is no reproduction due to marriage between same-sex couples in the future, the country will suffer a labor shortage. Therefore, the government needs to bring in foreign workers to secure the economy. Moreover, foreign workers usually do not receive any health inspection before working in the other country. According to Central Intelligence Agency n. dbirth rates and fertility rates in 10 countries that legalized same-sex marriage decrease below global fertility rates, while South Africa alone is barely high in world birth rates. Next, John and Diggs claimed that same — sex marriage causes the transmission of various diseases such as AIDSsyphilis, and gonorrhea.
Thus, marriage of the same sex should be banned because in the short and long term this issue can harm the well-being of human beings. Finally, marriage of the same sex should be banned as this type of marriage can have an impact on family members. This happens when there is a conflict, because this conflict has been mixed with unstable emotions, it will be difficult for the parents to come out with a solution. Both of them will show that they have a much better solution than their spouse, why same sex marriage should be legal essay. This situation shows that there is no tolerance between this couples that do not practice it.
Heterosexual couples, on the other hand, will be more indulgent on solving problems because the way both of these couples think are different, thus giving their dispute different outcomes. Moreover, as they grow older, the children will become much more curious about their biological parent. It can hurt those homosexual couples by doing this and they tend to abuse the kids to warn the kids. This can lead to problems of health such as depression and disability. Therefore, same-sex marriage gives bad impacts towards the family members. Conclusion In the conclusion, same-sex marriage ought to be restricted on the grounds that it gives terrible effects to the kids when they grow up, strength of society, and furthermore makes strain the relatives, why same sex marriage should be legal essay.
Hence, Malaysia should enforce the law and regulations to avoid this issue from getting out of hand. It does not reflect the quality of papers completed by our expert essay writers. To get a custom and plagiarism-free essay click here. We are glad that you like it, but you cannot copy from our website. Just insert your email and this sample will be sent to you. We will occasionally send you account related emails. In fact, there is a way to get an original essay! Why same sex marriage should be legal essay to our writers and order a plagiarism-free paper. Why Same Sex Marriage Should Be Banned, why same sex marriage should be legal essay. Sample details Category: Sociology Subcategory: Interpersonal Relationship Topic: Same Sex Marriage Download Why same sex marriage should be legal essay 2 Words: Related Topics Same Sex Marriage Essays Hate Speech Essays Cultural Identity Essays Animal Cruelty Essays Gender Essays.
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Ask Kevin: Should Same Sex Marriage Be Legal?
, time: 4:17Why Same-sex Marriage and Homosexuality Needs Protection: [Essay Example], words GradesFixer
WebHomosexual couples should have the same rights to marry as heterosexual couples. Denying this right is unjust and is discrimination towards a group of people. Same-sex WebThe government shouldn’t legalize the same-sex marriage because the legal definition of marriage is the civil union between a man and a woman, marriage is a religious rite, and WebA study estimated that by age 55, 50% of gay men aged 20 have an opportunity to become HIV-positive. Thus, marriage of the same sex should be banned because in the short
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